• About Us

History and Performances

  • About Us
  • History and Performances

Below is the path of KCA's activities.

KCA was established as the national association on June, 3rd, 2000 by scholars and specialists who desire all citizens' mental health, growth and development through counseling in Korea.

Counseling research and publishing journals

  • The Research of CounselingThe journal published in National Research Foundation of Korea Published 6 times a year Publishing theoretical paper, abstract, and practical theses related with counseling
  • JAPC (Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling)Published twice a year Complete text is included in international database, EBSCO. An international journal which shares counseling and related knowledge, information of Asia-Pacific region (including North America and Oceania)
  • BBLS (Brown Bag Luncheon Seminar)Holding 5 times a year (4th Sat. in Feb., Apr., June, Oct., and Dec.) to share published theses of world-class researchers in the counseling field, and trend and methodology learning of present ongoing researches with KCA members, aiming at qualitative improvement of Korean counseling research

Developing and disseminatating counseling programs

  • Disaster education programsTriannual events (Mar., Aug., and Nov.) Three levels (basic, intermediate, and advanced processes) to raise support members of disaster counseling in case of national disaster and crisis
  • Counseling workshopsQuarterly events (Feb., May, July, and Sep.) Learning recent counseling trend and research method Focusing on practical and useful content/technique used in on-site counseling
  • Cultivating the next-generation counselorsOperating counselor cultivation programs to foster new competent person who leads next-generation counseling Issueing 'certificate of counselor for adolescent' after completeing courses and volunteering at counseling related institutes.

International academic exchange

  • International association and exchangeInternational academic exchange with ACA(American Counseling Association)
  • Operating international local associationsForeign academic exchange via international conferences of KCA by establishing KCA-IC(Korean Counseling Association-International Chapter)
  • Supporting international symposiumAids for members' participation of international symposium

Holding conferences

  • Annual conferencesBeing convened on Aug. every year Providing rich academic fields such as symposium/workshops related to counseling theory, research methodology, and counseling practice, presentation of oral/poster theses, programs for next-generation counselors
  • Symposium of sub-departmentsSpring(Autumn) symposium on significant issues related to counseling by each department to contribute upgrading counselors' literacy or competence
  • Integrated conference and case presentationsConducting academic lectures, counseling case presentations by sub-department associations, and various kinds of workshops on 4th Saturday of Feb., Apr., June, Aug. (during annual convention), Oct., and Dec.

Certificate system of professional counselors

  • Implementing and managing qualification certificate of counselorsTo promote skilled experts with professionalism and operate the system efficiently, KCA implements the certificate system once a year. In employing counselors by public institutes, KCA members with professional counselor qualification would be chosen over the other candidates because KCA certificate has public confidence. In addition, KCA progresses lots of workshops for possessing and managing certificate in order to keep speciality of counselors.

Social voluntary service and counseling support

  • Activities of group members in disaster counseling supportIn major catastrophe, KCA provides psychological counseling to the public. KCA constructs organizational systems to take action against calamity by national local associations, and consists of counseling support groups which specializes in disaster counseling. Besides, KCA builds manpower network comprised of research scholars and on-site counselors in the mid- and long-term.

Movement for guaranteeing counselors' status

  • Debate on the policy related to counseling, seminars, foreign cooperative activities with public institutions and corporations


  • UCC contest, counseling story contest, YTN radio counseling school, and etc.

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À̸ÞÀÏ : webmaster@counselors.or.kr | »ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£ : 119-82-05101

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